Give us your two cents and help us earn $15,000!

You have an opportunity to be a rainmaker for Or Hadash by turning your opinions into dollars. In just a couple of minutes, you can play a big part in helping us raise $15,000 to support our music and education programs, at zero cost to you.

Sign up to join our Pennies From Heaven fundraiser and tap your fingers a few times to…make it rain. You will personally be able to contribute up to $150 in a high impact, fast and secure program. You give emoji-based feedback about brands and companies you know and earn money for Or Hadash.

We will be partnering with HundredX who will administer the program. Other synagogues have successfully raised tens of thousands of dollars through this simple program. Click on the button below to register on the HundredX page and join our campaign.

Who is our Partner, HundredX Causes?

HundredX provides over 1,500 companies with feedback. Their unique model partners with non–profits, like Congregation Or Hadash, to engage their members, friends, and family to opt–in to a 30–day campaign to provide brief, 60-second, feedback about brands and companies you already do business with. You will not be asked to purchase anything and your information is not sold to any third–parties.

When is our Campaign?

Our campaign will run April 1-April 30. Please sign up to get started now! Every time you share a quality brand opinion with HundredX, up to $2 goes towards Or Hadash! You can personally earn up to $150 for Or Hadash (by giving 75 pieces of feedback). During the campaign month, you will receive reminders from HundredX to submit feedback for our organization. You may opt out at any time.

How to Start

Start by signing up here or text “Impact” to 90412 to receive the signup link on your phone. Complete the brief registration and be sure to scroll down and choose Congregation Or Hadash as the charity you are supporting. We encourage you to opt IN to share your name so that Or Hadash can thank you for making an impact. None of your individual information will be shared with Hundredx or sold to any third party.

Share with Family and Friends

Anyone 18 years and older anywhere in the U.S. is eligible to join our campaign to support Congregation Or Hadash. What a great multiplier effect to have your friends and family donate just a little bit of their time (not money). Please send them a link to the sign-up page or have them text “Impact” to 90412 to receive the link on their phone.

Learn more about how our fundraiser works by listening to this one minute video.



  • You may use any type of device, including a phone, tablet or computer to sign in and give your feedback.

  • Privacy Statement from Hundred X:

    HundredX is fully committed to maintaining your confidential information. For all feedback providers, we DO NOT share any personal information with external parties, send advertisements or offers, or ask you to purchase any product. We also do not share your personal information (e.g., name and/or email address) with the cause that you are supporting or the organization through which you are participating without your consent, which you can elect to provide (or withhold) at sign-up.

  • HundredX anonymizes the feedback given based on demographic information provided during sign-up. From there, HundredX conducts outcome-based analyses and generates valuable insights on company and brand performance across multiple demographics.

    HundredX does not share or sell the contact information of participants with external parties or try to sell them products or services. The information collected from supporters is voluntarily provided by them upon signing up for a HundredX Causes campaign and is never associated with their opinions on brands or businesses.

  • There is no limit to how many you do at a time. It is suggested that you not do more than 10-15 at a time to prevent fatigue and to ensure you are giving quality responses.

  • Not at all. We strongly encourage you to have your extended family and friends participate as well. The more people who participate, the faster and easier we will get to our goal of $15,000.

  • You have from April 3 to May 2 to generate as many one-minute feedbacks as possible. We would love for you to do a total of 75 which maximizes the amount of dollars ($150) each person can contribute.

  • Absolutely not! You will be a rainmaker if you do 10 or 25 or 50. Remember, Or Hadash gets up to $2 for every one-minute emoji-based feedback you give. It all adds up!

  • HundredX will NOT contact you via text or email once our thirty-day campaign has ended.

Get started today! Be a rainmaker and help raise $15,000 for Or Hadash.