We are so happy that you are considering joining our vibrant, loving community.

You are welcome here.


We know that for some people, joining a synagogue (or a few!) is second nature. If that’s you, welcome! We are so glad you are thinking about joining Or Hadash. And a special welcome to those who have never joined a synagogue before, for whom it may even feel counter to some modern sensibilities. Community life is beautiful and real, messy and rewarding. We love it, and hope you will love it too.

We believe there is a lot of power in linking yourself to a particular Jewish community, choosing to lend your energy and resources to that shared effort, and claiming some ownership in its future. If you share our idea of what Jewish life should be, joining Or Hadash is one concrete way to make our corner of the Jewish world just a little bigger, a little stronger, a little more lovely.

Become a member.

Make a donation.

Celebrate, remember, honor our members.

Membership Options

We are so happy that you are considering joining our vibrant, loving community. Whether your impetus is education for your children or for yourself, whether you are looking to connect with your peers or across the generations, whether you seek heartfelt davening or social connections, you are welcome here.

Our members build and sustain our community in many ways - with time, talent, love, and, yes, with dollars. We ask each member to make a financial commitment to support our mission and our community. Below, you’ll find information on the financial commitment we seek from our members.

It is a core value of Or Hadash that no person will be turned away for financial reasons. If you are not able to contribute at the level listed below, please contact Jason Parker at jason@or-hadash.org for assistance in modifying your commitment. And, if you are able to support our community at a level beyond our foundational commitment, we deeply appreciate it. Your generosity truly lights the way.



Age 21- 34 $268
Age 35 - 70 $1751
Age 71+ $1133

Security fee: $150



Age 21 - 34 $350
Age 35 - 70 $2740
Age 71 + $1,648

Security fee: $300


Associate Members $721

Lapid (Torch)
Annual Commitments

We are blessed to have many member households who contribute beyond the foundational commitment level. If you have the capacity to support Or Hadash at the Lapid level - to be a torch bearer for us - we hope you will.


One-Time Commitment
Building Fund

In order to keep our beautiful building functioning at its best, members contribute to our building fund. This commitment begins one year after becoming a member.

“We enable pathways for people to share who they are and the best of what they can bring to the wider community.”