Honors October 2022

Birthdays - יום הולדת שמח

  • October 1-8

    Karen Kahn Weinberg (10/1)

    Anya Cipolla (10/1)

    Daniel Salpeter (10/2)

    Michael Haber (10/3)

    Kimberly Reingold (10/3)

    John Jeffres (10/4)

    Madeline Kupor (10/5)

    Cory Handelsman (10/5)

    Anne Jeffres (10/6)

    Michal Ilai (10/6)

    Sara Franco (10/6)

    Harris Sonenshine (10/6)

    Fred Rueff (10/7)

    Avery Frank (10/7)

    Traci Lerner (10/7)

    Jill Kossman (10/7)

    Gita Berman (10/8)

  • October 9-15

    Michele Howard (10/10)

    Rebecca Colker (10/10)

    Eva Beresin (10/11)

    William Schultz (10/11)

    Millicent Ginburg (10/11)

    Lori Edlin (10/11)

    Priscilla Handelsman (10/12)

    Michael Dalmat (10/12)

    Jonah Tucker (10/12)

    Naama Erez (10/13)

    Matthew Nathan (10/13)

    Nicole Berne (10/13)

    Aiden Erez (10/13)

    Bonnie Simonoff (10/13)

    Jennifer Gold (10/13)

    Robert Eisenband (10/14)

    Louise Meller (10/14)

    Rodolfo Romo Garcia (10/14)

    Robyn Diamond (10/14)

    Robert Franco (10/14)

    Hannah Levy (10/15)

    Ruby Lee (10/15)

    Brian Granath (10/15)

  • October 16-22

    Joshua Rubel (10/16)

    Liza Zimmerman (10/16)

    Edith Pilzer (10/16)

    Elliot Cohen (10/16)

    Marsha Rueff (10/17)

    Jed Rosenfeld (10/19)

    Aaron Blank (10/20)

    Joshua Leff (10/20)

    Talia Rubel (10/21)

    Ellen Nemhauser (10/21)

  • October 23-31

    Sharon Rosenfeld (10/23)

    Mathew Albert (10/24)

    Joss Cohen (10/24)

    Memrie Simpson (10/24)

    Jeffrey Rothenberg (10/24)

    Sara Dardik (10/25)

    David Epstein (10/26)

    Jocelyn Schorvitz (10/26)

    Rita Edlin (10/26)

    Madison Apfelbaum (10/27)

    Renee Lebowitz (10/27)

    Lisa Salzberg (10/27)

    Jeff Savell (10/27)

    Hilary Schumer (10/27)

    Jordan Clayman (10/28)

    Rosalind (Roz) Fuchs (10/28)

    Marla Shavin (10/29)

    Adi Hermoni (10/30)

    Yaakov Romo (10/30)

    Bruce Duner (10/30)

    Isabel Gulden (10/30)

    Oriah Noa Wolpe (10/31)

    Rachel Jenks (10/31)

    Eli Dranove (10/31)

Yarhtzeits - זיכרונם ליברצ'ה

  • 6 Tishrei-12 Tishrei (October 1-October 7)

    Toby Daitch Cohen, Mother of Mark Cohen

    Jerry Siegel, Step-Father of Stacey Hader Epstein

    Richard Nathan, Father of Robert Nathan

    Chester Epstein, Father of David Epstein

    Michael Diamond, Father of Robyn Diamond

    Sandra Turchik Goldstein, Mother of Myra Brown

    Raphael Abrams, Father of Marcia Abrams-Feinstein

    Marni Rachel Stambler, Sister of Aaron Stambler

    Irving Morse, Uncle of Ilene Zier

    Isabelle Levene, Mother of Stephen Levene

    Dinah Binenfeld, Mother of Richard Binenfeld

    Sanford Bruce Weinberg, Husband of Ronelle Genser

    Ellen Burnstein Mother of Benjamin Burnstein

    Edward H. Zier Father-in-law of Ilene Zier

  • 13 Tishrei-19 Tishrei (October 8-October 14)

    Harry Sachs, Father of Barbara Sachs

    Milton Landis, Father of Jeffrey Landis

    Mayer "Bubba" Mitchell, Husband of Arlene Mitchell

    & Father of Melinda Wertheim

    Stanley Gordon, Brother of Arlene Brightman

    Arthur Zimmerman, Grandfather of Seth Zimmerman

    Harold B. Levin, Father of Ms Lauren Levin

    Richard Bernstein, Father of Sally Ginburg

    Thomas Gary, Brother of Marc Gary

    Joseph Perling, Grandfather of Heather Blank

    Jennie Ginsberg, Grandmother of Jonathan Ginsberg

    David Kaminsky, Father-in-law of Harriet Kaminsky

    Herman Schwartz, Father of Lois Kravitz

    Eunice Wertheim, Mother of Steven Wertheim

    Susan Rubel, Sister of Gene Rubel

    Helen Kate Banov, Sister of Sam Banov

    Brian Brooker, Brother of Stuart Brooker

  • 20 Tishrei-26 Tishrei (October 15-October 21)

    Adele Blumenthal, Mother of Jerome Blumenthal

    Sheldon Gerson Dagurt, Father of Paige Nathan

    Dorothy Denn Miller, Mother of Rachel Lazarus

    Harry Savell, Father of Jeff Savell

    Jonathan Baruch Fenster, Cousin of David Raphael

    David Schwartz, Husband of Renee Hoelting

    Oby Rosenbaum, Father of Sheila Dalmat

    David Schwartz, Father of Kim Hoelting

    Gerald Simpson, Father of Matt Simpson

    Abraham Berkowitz, Father of Frank Berkowitz

    Ruth Kaminsky Shapiro, Mother-in-law of Harriet Kaminsky

    Ethel Bernstein, Mother of Sally Ginburg

    Anna Hollander Abrams, Mother of Marcia Abrams-Feinstein

    Rachel Gershon, Grandmother of Ellen Banov

  • 27 Tishrei-3 Cheshvan (October 22-October 28)

    Lance Perling, Husband of

    Rachel Perling & Father of Emily Perling

    Jacob Lebowitz, Father of Morris Lebowitz

    Rachel Franco, Mother of Richard Franco & Robert Franco

    Ron Rubel, Brother of Gene Rubel

  • 4 Cheshvan-10 Cheshvan (October 29-November 4)

    Joanne Mazin, Mother of John Mazin

    Eric Herzfeld, Brother of Joan Levene

    Max Ginsberg, Father of Jonathan Ginsberg

    Albert Miller, Father of Jeanney Kutner

    Irving Schiff, Father of Brian Schiff

    Bernard Herzfeld, Father of Joan Levene

    Isadore Lee Banov, Father of Sam Banov

Donations and Tributes

September 2022

In Appreciation of Rabbi Lauren Henderson

Steve & Gita Berman-Rabbi Discretionary Fund

In Memory of Adele Kotler Blumenthal

Jerry & Elaine Blumenthal-General Fund

In Appreciation of Amy Robertson

Steve & Gita-Berman General Fund

In Memory of Beila Vurnbrand

Sara Ghitis-General Fund

In Honor of Baby Maya Franco Newburgh

Steve & Gita Berman-General Fund

Marc & Susan Backer-General Fund

Morris Benveniste & Gabriela Siegel-General Fund

Fred & Leslie Wachter-Education & Youth Program Fund

Steven & Melinda Wertheim-Building Fund

On Behalf of Birthday Aliyah

Marc & Susan Backer-General Fund

In Appreciation of Congregation Or Hadash

William & Dorothy Goldberg-General Fund

In Memory of Dinah Binenfeld

Naomi & Richard Binenfeld-Rabbi Discretionary Fund

In Appreciation of Drew Cohen

Steve & Gita Berman-General Fund

In Memory of Eunice Wertheim

Steven & Melinda Wertheim-Building Fund

In Appreciation of Heather Blank

Steve & Gita Berman-General Fund

In Appreciation of  Jeff Nemhauser

Steve & Gita Berman-General Fund

In Memory of Larry Binenfeld

Naomi & Richard Binenfeld-Tikkun Olam General Fund

In Memory of Leon Rosen

Edward Berman & Hanora Rosen-Tikkun Olam General Fund

In Memory of Marilyn Elikan

Keith & Beth Berger-Or Nashim Donations

In Memory of Marshall Cohen

Sherman and Lisa Cohen-Building Fund

In Memory of Mayer "Bubba" Mitchell

Dr. Steven & Melinda Wertheim-Building Fund

In Honor of Mia Rose Margolis

Morris Benveniste & Gabriela Siegel-General Fund

In Memory of Michelle Kravtin Gary

Marc Gary-General Fund

In Memory of Milka Ben Tzion

Leon & Tziona Zalkow-Tikkun Olam General Fund

In Honor of My Aliyah/Ark Opening

Ada Gelb Tikkun-Olam-Afghan Refuge Resettlement

In Honor of Nisa Orli Dalmat and Avery Muir Cohen

Morris Benveniste & Gabriela Siegel-General Fund

In Appreciation of  Our Rabbi, educator and entire Or Hadash staff

Michal Ilai-General Fund

In Memory of Samuel E. Rubin, M.D.

Fred & Leslie Wachter-Education & Youth Program Fund

Morris Benveniste & Gabriela Siegel-General Fund

Marc & Susan Backer-General Fund

Natalie and Jeff Kirsh-Tikkun Olam General Fund

Robert Marcovitch & Elise Eplan-Tikkun Olam General Fund

In Honor of Shira and Eli

Steve & Gita Berman-General Fund

In Honor of Simon Jeffrey Tracy

Morris Benveniste Gabriela Siegel-General Fund

In Memory of Stuart Handelsman

Cory & Priscilla Handelsman-Rabbi Discretionary Fund

In Appreciation of Teen Takeover Youth & Family Shabbat

Adam & RonetteThrone-Kiddush Fund

In Appreciation of Torah in the Woods

Dr. William Doverspike-General Fund

In Memory of Wendy Lee Suzman

Cedric & Maxine Suzman-Rabbi Discretionary Fund

In Memory of Yetta Libby Backer

Marc & Susan Backer-General Fund

In Appreciation of our spectacular COH clergy, staff, board and volunteer's that made our Yontif services a joy!

Marc & Susan Backer-General Fund

In Honor of Rabbi Lauren Henderson

Ari Dardik & Tasha Biron-Rabbi Discretionary Fund

Click here to find out how to purchase a Memorial Brick for your loved one.

Please contact jason@or-hadash.org if you have questions about LIFE & LEGACY.