Honors November 2022

Birthdays - יום הולדת שמח

  • November 1-5

    Ari Levin (11/1)

    Ian Levin (11/1)

    Kelly Cohen (11/1)

    Micah Reich (11/1)

    Daniel Knapp (11/1)

    Deborah Rubin (11/2)

    Noa Tsur (11/3)

    Sean Hendler (11/3)

    Naomi Duke (11/3)

    Hadar Hermoni (11/4)

    Vanessa Greenstein (11/5)

    Charles Cohn (11/5)

  • November 6-12

    David Fisher (11/6)

    Sofia Berghoff (11/6)

    Linda Lippitt (11/7)

    Jodi Ginsberg (11/8)

    Kira Nadler (11/8)

    Sarah Kaufman (11/8)

    Robert Nathan (11/10)

    Keith Berger (11/10)

    Melissa Burnstein (11/10)

    Rachelle Simon (11/10)

    Daniel Landis (11/11)

    Sherry Frank (11/11)

    Margie Simonoff (11/11)

    Abigail Deckelbaum (11/12)

  • November 13-19

    Jason Parker (11/14)

    Natalia Garzon (11/14)

    Mollie Binderman (11/15)

    Gabriella Margolias (11/16)

    Shaina Kass (11/16)

    Eli Lewis (11/16)

    Grace Goldberg (11/16)

    Aidan Colker (11/16)

    Mark Reich (11/17)

    Phoebe Becker (11/17)

    Sophie Schneider (11/17)

    Jay Strongwater (11/17)

    Cynthia Smith (11/18)

    Julian Yudelson (11/18)

    Mike Bender (11/19)

    Melkamu Morrey (11/19)

    Cathy Jacobson (11/19)

    Philip Socoloff (11/19)

    Aaron Stambler (11/19)

  • November 20-26

    Johanna Epstein (11/20)

    Hannah Throne (11/20)

    Sam Banov (11/20)

    Wayne Greenberg (11/20)

    Adina Bradshaw (11/20)

    Ella Tucker (11/21)

    Liyel Margolias (11/22)

    Noa Benveniste (11/22)

    Jason Morrey (11/22)

    Harriet Fisher (11/23)

    Asher Lerner (11/25)

    Emilio Sierra (11/26)

    Linda Winter (11/26)

  • November 27-30

    Clifford Baker (11/27)

    Patty Maziar (11/28)

    Cara Spitzner (11/29)

    Maya Murovitz (11/29)

Yarhtzeits - זיכרונם ליברצ'ה

  • 7 Cheshvan-10 Cheshvan (November 1-November 4)

    Dorothy Frankel Miller, Mother of Jeanney Kutner

    Herbert Levis, Grandfather of Stacey Hader Epstein

    Leon Ettinger. Father of Rosalind (Roz) Fuchs

    Jill Schussel Coyle, Daughter of Robert & Gladys Schussel

    Marcia Fern Fink Young Callaghan, Sister of Elaine Blumenthal

  • 11 Cheshvan-17 Cheshvan (November 5-November 11)

    Norman Videlefsky, Grandfather of Ilana Videlefsky & Father of Searle Videlefsky

    Salim Bernstein, Grandfather of Henry Blum

    Lois Steinberg Kremer, Mother of Jeffrey Kremer

    Bess DeHovitz Kahn, Grandmother of Karen Kahn Weinberg

    Irving Kay, Father of Michael Kay

    Anna Jacobson, Mother-in-law of Cathy Jacobson

    David Ben-Tzion, Father of Tziona Zalkow

    Harold Weinberg, Father-in-law of Ronelle Genser

    Donald Neuman, Father of Laura Neuman

    William Siegel, Father of Carolyn Lippman

    Robert Kauss, Father of Andy Kauss

    David Linowes, Uncle of Steven Linowes

    Jere Clayman, Grandmother of Robert Clayman

    Lottie Kahane, Grandmother of Jane Seville

    Myron Laipson, Father of Deborah Payne

  • 18 Cheshvan-24 Cheshvan (November 12-November 18)

    Henrietta Hornick, Mother of Steven Hornick

    Saul Schussel, Brother of Robert Schussel

    Brian 'Jack' Goodman, Father of Sean Goodman

    Rivka Abraham, Mother of Sandra Ellison

    Jerry Brown, Father of Janette Berne

    Godol Marokko, Husband of Rita Marokko

    Sophie Murovitz, Mother of Mark Murovitz

    Fredda Sirota Gold, Mother of Jennifer Gold

  • 25 Cheshvan-1 Kislev (November 19-November 25)

    Bernard W Grabois, Father of Anne Grabois-Davis

    Quincy C Cornelius, Father of Cathy Jacobson

    Michelle Gary, Wife of Marc Gary

    Larry Brooker, Father of Stuart Brooker

    Doris Zaban, Mother of Sara Franco

  • 2 Kislev-8 Kislev (November 26-December 2)

    Barnett Suzman, Father of Cedric Suzman

    Shalom Diki, Tsur, Father of Itai Tsur

    Stanley Sherman, Uncle of Meryl Kaufman

    Samuel Deutsch, Father of Anne Greenbaum

    Marilyn Ruth Malitz Fastow, Mother of Stephanie Kupor

Donations and Tributes

October 2022

On Behalf of 42nd Anniversary Aliyah

Marc & Susan Backer-General Fund

 In Memory of Abraham & Valerie Berkowitz

Zahava & Frank Berkowitz-Chesed Fund

In Appreciation of Avery Cohen's baby naming

Alexis Cohen-General Fund

In Honor of Bruce Duner's 60th Birthday

Jennifer and Jay Hochman-Rabbi Discretionary Fund

Searle & Renee Videlefsky-Tikkun Olam General Fund

Complete and Speedy Recovery of Cheryl Hecht

Michael & Penina Haber-Chesed Fund

Michael & Sheila Dalmat -COH Evening Book Club

In Appreciation of Dr. Amy Robertson

Leon & Tziona Zalkow-Chesed Fund

In Memory of Lance Perling

Mell Ravenel-Kiddush Fund

In Honor of the birth of Eleanor Liv Blechman

Annette & Ted Marcus-Chesed Fund

Fred & Leslie Wachter-Education & Youth Program Fund

Steve & Gita Berman-General Fund

Lisa C & Sherman Cohen-Building Fund

Marc & Susan Backer-General Fund

In Memory of Kenneth Kaufman

Adam & Heather Blank-Education & Youth Program Fund

Fred & Leslie Wachter-Education & Youth Program Fund

Ilene Zier-COH Evening Book Club

Stuart and Vera Newman-Tikkun Olam-Ukranian Family Support

Jerry & Elaine Blumenthal-General Fund

Sherry Frank-Rabbi Discretionary Fund

In Honor of Gita & Steve Berman

Shira Berman & Eli Franco-General Fund

In Honor of Sue & Marc Backer's 42nd Wedding Anniversary

Sara Ghitis-General Fund

In Memory of my beloved father, Max Katzen

Bernice Schmitz-Chesed Fund

In Memory of Oby Rosenbaum

Michael & Sheila Dalmat-Building Fund

In Honor of Paul Budhram's Bar Mitzvah

Annette & Ted Marcus-Chesed Fund

In Appreciation of Rabbi Lauren and the hard work of the Or Hadash family

Jeff and Bonnie Kassower-Rabbi Discretionary Fund

In Appreciation of Rabbi Lauren Henderson

Leon & Tziona Zalkow-Chesed Fund

In Honor of Robert and Sara Franco

Eli Franco-General Fund

 In Honor of Sherry Frank's 80th Birthday

Steve & Gita Berman-Adult Education

In Honor of the birth of Maya Rose Franco Newburgh

Lisa C & Sherman Cohen-Building Fund

In Appreciation of Torah in the Woods

William Doverspike-General Fund

General Fund

Cyndi Levine

Sabetay Palatchi

Rabbi Lauren, Dr. Amy, Jason and all the shul staff 2022

Dina Fuchs-Beresin & Todd Beresin-Kol Nidre Appeal

Complete and Speedy Recovery of Herbert Radack

Sharon & Ohad Shatil-2022 Kol Nidre Appeal

2022 Kol Nidre Appeal

Gary & Marlene Dworkin

Sondra Ilgenfritz

John & Anne Jeffres

Ellyn Jeager

Jon & Susan Duke

Melanie Levine

John & Sandra Ellison

Alan & Rose Gross

Rachelle & Barry Simon

Ayelet & Ari Sterenson

Harriet Kaminsky

Tammy & Robert Clayman

Vilma & Issy Arenson

Katie Kloder

Carol Thomas

Dawn Tresh

Ms Lisuan Poh & Dr Marty Weil

Jessica Gordon

Emily Varon

Stanley Pollock

Bernice Schmitz

Keith & Beth Berger

Janet Kolodner

Click here to find out how to purchase a Memorial Brick for your loved one.

Please contact jason@or-hadash.org if you have questions about LIFE & LEGACY.