Honors February 2023

Birthdays - יום הולדת שמח

  • February 1-4

    Andrew Layton (2/1)

    Jonah Throne (2/1)

    Hanna Rosenfeld (2/1)

    Benjamin Nadler (2/2)

    Ruth Walker (2/2)

    Harvey Brightman (2/2)

    Scott Rosenbaum (2/3)

    Ari Dardik (2/3)

    Erik Lerner (2/3)

    Analia Bortz (2/4)

    Joel Murovitz (2/4)

  • February 5-11

    Robert Tourial (2/5)

    Eduardo Romo (2/5)

    Abigail Szabo (2/6)

    Ari Sterenson (2/7)

    Stephen Cohen (2/7)

    Richard Parker (2/8)

    Nathan Salpeter (2/8)

    Stephanie Rubel (2/9)

    Andrew Myerson (2/9)

    Monica Strauss (2/9)

    Jennifer Aqua (2/9)

    Maya Clayman (2/9)

    Quentin Morrey (2/10)

    Gladys Schussel (2/11)

    Arlene Brightman (2/11)

  • February 12-18

    Melinda Burke-Budhram (2/13)

    Debra Adler (2/14)

    Nancy Layfer (2/16)

    Lanie Kirsch (2/18)

    Jessica Lazarus (2/18)

  • February 20-25

    Viviana Fajnwaks (2/20)

    David Greenstein (2/20)

    Maya Shatil (2/20)

    Evan Colker (2/21)

    Drew Cohen (2/21)

    John Levy (2/21)

    Brian Schiff (2/22)

    Levi Myles Gordon (2/22)

    Anne Grabois-Davis (2/22)

    Warren Binderman (2/23)

    Michael Mittel (2/23)

    Rebecca Adler (2/24)

    Siena Kate Margolis (2/24)

    Stephanie Kupor (2/25)

  • February 26-29

    Ellen Banov (2/26)

    Rina Romo (2/26)

    Juan Romo Garcia (2/26)

    Joseph Appley-Epstein (2/26)

    Levi Linowes (2/26)

    Jon Duke (2/26)

    Susan Duke (2/27)

    Stanley Schnitzer (2/27)

    Steven Sonenshine (2/27)

    Brandon Buchalter (2/27)

    Esther Estroff (2/28)

    Ashli Breen (2/28)

    Jonathan Eisenstat (2/28)

    Ronnie Genser (2/29)

Yarhtzeits - זיכרונם ליברצ'ה

  • 10 Shevat-12 Shevat (February 1-February 3)

    Rosa Katz, Grandmother of Mario Karpuj

    Warren Safter, Father of Michelle Epstein

    Moises Spil, Father of Henry Spil

    Sam Snyder, Father of Gary Snyder

    Louis Payne, Father-in-law of Deborah Payne

    Joseph Berger, Father of Keith Berger

  • 13 Shevat-19 Shevat (February 4-February 10)

    Samuel Adler, Grandfather of Robin Lewis

    Lester Breen, Father of Ashli Breen

    Elias Ventura, Father of David Ventura

    Ruth Citron, Mother of Marla Shavin

    Marcelo Manela, Brother of Flavio Manela

    Martie Warner Buchalter, Mother of Carol Buchalter Mittel

    Elsie Toppin, Mother of John Ellison

    Sandy Coffsky, Sister-in-law of Barry Coffsky

    David Ritz Finkelstein, Husband of Shlomit Ritz Finkelstein

    Sylviane Benisti-Zaoui, Sister of Michele Howard

    Pearl Goldberg, Grandmother of Richard Parker

    Annalou Kadin Simons, Mother of Barbara Flexner

    Martha Turner, Mother of Renee Hoelting

    Maurice Kravtin, Father-in-law of Marc Gary

    Max James Pollock, Father of Stanley Pollock

    Dvora Moran, Mother of Naomi Binenfeld

    Ann Moss, Grandmother of Jaime Goldberg

    Jeanette Levis, Grandmother of Stacey Hader Epstein

    Harry Aaron Rosenfeld, Father of Jed Rosenfeld

    Elaine Marcus, Mother of Ted Marcus

    Lou Pascal, Grandfather of Kayla Engle

    Dennis Gelb, Husband of Ada Gelb

    Ira Segal, Father of Natalie Kaiman

    Alfred Gary, Father of Marc Gary

    Matthew Roth, Brother of Robyn Roth

    Tillie Cohen Axelrod, Grandmother of Stanley Pollock

  • 20 Shevat-26 Shevat (February 11-February 17)

    Gail Rubin. Mother of Phillip Rubin

    Perry Lipkin, Father of Beryl Sara

    Lori Kremer Immergluck, Sister of Jeffrey Kremer

    Harry Lefkoff. Grandfather of Kenneth Reish

    Joanne Levy, Sister of Rachelle Simon

    Ruth Rossheim Caplan, Mother of Barbara Murovitz

    Fritz Ilgenfritz, Husband of Sondra Ilgenfritz

    Frederick Pilzer, Brother of Alan Pilzer

    Ronni Knapp, Mother of Daniel Knapp

    Freda Fink, Mother of Elaine Blumenthal

    Hannah Katzen, Mother of Bernice Schmitz

    Abraham Applebaum, Father of Richard Elan

    Sadie Lebowitz, Mother of Morris Lebowitz

    Mollie Shron, Mother of Ellyn Jeager

    Helen Hovitz, Mother of Linda Lippitt

    Mollie Shron, Grandmother of Raina Nadler

    Julius Citron, Father of Marla Shavin

    Gerson Lesnick, Father of David Woodsfellow

    Joanie Kower, Friend of Frances Schleicher

    Stanton Deitch, Grandfather of Samantha Tajfel

    Samuel Edelman, Father of Betsy Edelman

  • 27 Shevat-3 Adar (February 18-February 24)

    Chaim Lukowski, Father of Jay Lukowski

    Pauline Marks, Aunt of Ilene Zier

    Marilyn Rita Perley, Aunt of Robin Lewis

    Harry Labovitz, Father of Albert Labovitz

    Ethel Drexler Dalmat, Mother of Michael Dalmat

    Norman Shavin, Father of Mark Shavin

    Isaac Mike Wierzba, Father of Ellen Nemhauser

    Mary Weitz Friedman, Mother of Abby Friedman

    Linda Young Barnes, Mother of Kimberly Reingold

    Bennett Ginburg, Husband of Millicent Ginburg and Father of Paul Ginburg

    Sol Freedman, Father of Steven Freedman

    Erwin Aaron Friedman, Father of Abby Friedman

    Ida Plotnikov, Grandmother of Richard Parker

  • 4 Adar-7 Adar (February 25-February 28)

    Pauline Strauss Mother of Renee Lebowitz

    Robert Isenberg, Stepfather of Jaime Goldberg

    Larry Jaben, Father of Darla Jaben and Jan Jaben-Eilon

    Lila Saulson, Mother-in-law of Diane Wulfsohn Saulson

    Victor Sasson, Father of Nicole Leff

    Thelma Belle Lewis, Mother of Marsha Rueff

    Lillian Strongwater-Cohan, Mother of Jay Strongwater

    Sol Linowitz, Uncle of Steven Linowes

Donations and Tributes January 2023

In Honor of Adam Rosenfeld and Michelle Fox's upcoming marriage

Edward Berman & Hanora Rosen-Tikkun Olam General Fund

Marc & Susan Backer-General Fund

Harvey & Arlene Brightman-Education & Youth Program Fund

In Memory of Aileen Berzack

Jed & Sharon Rosenfeld-Rabbi Discretionary Fund

In Memory of Albert Fisher

David & Harriet Fisher-General Fund

In Honor of Amelit Hall's Bat Mitzvah

Annette & Ted Marcus- Education & Youth Program Fund

In Memory of Beatrice Davis

Marc & Susan Backer-General Fund

Cathy Jacobson-General Fund

Annette & Ted Marcus-Chesed Fund

Fred & Leslie Wachter-Education & Youth Program Fund

Steven & Melinda Wertheim-Building Fund

In Memory of Bernard Greenstein

Morris Benveniste & Gabriela Siegel- General Fund

In Memory of Earl Jeffres

Morris Benveniste & Gabriela Siegel-General Fund

Cathy Jacobson-Music Fund

In Memory of Freda Fox Fink

Jerry & Elaine Blumenthal-General Fund

In Appreciation of Gaby Siegel

Robert & Sara Franco -General Fund

In Memory of Hank Payne

Deborah Payne-Rabbi Discretionary Fund

In Memory of Stanley Gold

David & Harriet Fisher-General Fund

In Memory of Jaime Robertson

Morris Benveniste & Gabriela Siegel-General Fund

Steve & Gita Berman-Adult Education

Gail & Bruce Duner-Music Fund

Cathy Jacobson-Music Fund

Flavio & Dora Manela-Education & Youth Program Fund

Annette & Ted Marcus-Chesed Fund

Steven & Melinda WertheimIn-Building Fund

Leon & Tziona Zalkow-Music Fund

Ilene Zier-Rabbi Discretionary Fund

In Honor of Jeff Nemhauser's Retirement

Michal Ilai-Education & Youth Program Fund

In Memory of Marion Goodstein

Marc & Susan Backer-General Fund

Steve & Gita Berman-Kiddush Fund

Paul & Barbara Flexner-Education & Youth Program Fund

Morris Benveniste & Gabriela Siegel-General Fund

Jeffrey & Michele Howard-Chesed Fund

Cathy Jacobson-General Fund

Fred & Leslie Wachter-Education & Youth Program Fund

In Memory of Sam Rubin

Phillip & Deborah Rubin-General Fund

In Honor of Sherry Frank's birthday

Cathy Jacobson- Music Fund

In Memory of Sonia Marks Bock

Ilene Zier-Rabbi Discretionary Fund

 In Appreciation of Torah in the Woods

Deborah Midkiff-General Fund

Ilene Zier-Rabbi Discretionary Fund

 In Memory of Mia Sue Ruppersburg-Urbina

Sandy Epstein & Elizabeth Appley-Education & Youth Program Fund

In Memory of Michael E. Bock

Ilene Zier-Rabbi Discretionary Fund

 In Memory of Michael Kay

Annette & Ted Marcus-Chesed Fund

Fred & Leslie Wachter-Education & Youth Program Fund

Steven & Melinda Wertheim-Building Fund

In Memory of Moises Spil

Henry & Jenise Spil-General Fund

In Appreciation of Morris Benveniste

Robert & Sara Franco-General Fund

In Memory of Naomi Tsipora Walker

Ben & Ruth Walker-Tikkun Olam General Fund

In Honor of Rafi Micah Dworkin

Stan and Judith Beiner-Rabbi Discretionary Fund

Morris Benveniste & Gabriela Siegel-General Fund

Harvey & Arlene Brightman-Education & Youth Program Fund

Gail & Bruce Duner-Young Families

David & Harriet Fisher-Education & Youth Program Fund

Paul & Barbara Flexner-Education & Youth Program Fund

Michael & Penina Haber-Education & Youth Program Fund

Flavio & Dora Manela-Young Families

Annette & Ted Marcus-Young Families

Ben & Ruth Walker-Tikkun Olam General Fund

Ilene Zier-Rabbi Discretionary Fund

In Memory of Hyman Berman

Edward Berman & Hanora Rosen-Tikkun Olam General Fund

In Memory of Irving Buchalter

Alan & Pamela Buchalter-General Fund

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Please contact jason@or-hadash.org if you have questions about LIFE & LEGACY.